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F. M. Brandi-Dohrn, Hess, M., Selker, J., and Dick, R. P., Field evaluation of passive capillary samplers, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 60, pp. 1705–1713, 1996.
M. J. Louie, Shelby, P. M., Smesrud, J. S., Gatchell, L. O., and Selker, J., Field evaluation of passive capillary samplers for estimating groundwater recharge, Water Resources Research, vol. 36, pp. 2407–2416, 2000.
D. Nadeau, Pardyjak, E., Higgins, C. W., Huwald, H., Bärenbold, F., Sauthier, E., and Parlange, M., A Field Experiment to Study the Atmosphere Over Steep Alpine Environments, in L" eau en montagne, mieux observer pour mieux prévoir, Société Hydrotechnique de France, 2011.
S. Mangla, Sheley, R., and James, J. J., Field growth comparisons of invasive alien annual and native perennial grasses in monocultures, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 75, no. 2, pp. 206 - 210, 2011.
M. Moyer, Grove, G., and Pscheidt, J., Field Guide for Integrated Pest Management in Pacific Northwest Vineyards, 2013.
J. R. Mihelcic, Fry, L. M., Myre, E. A., Phillips, L. D., and Barkdoll, B. D., Eds., Field Guide to Environmental Engineering for Development WorkersGravity-Fed Water Supply Systems. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2013, pp. 204 - 227.
J. G. Cohen, Kost, M. A., Slaughter, B. S., and Albert, D. A., A Field Guide to the Natural Communities of Michigan, in A Field Guide to the Natural Communities of Michigan, East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2014.
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M. B. Parlange, Meneveau, C., Pahlow, M., Higgins, C. W., Kleissl, J., Brown, W., and You-Yu, T., Field Measurements In The Atmospheric Boundary Layer: From Subgrid-scales To The Inversion Top, in EGS General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2002.
J. Feaga, Selker, J., and , Field measurements of nitrate leaching below Willamette Valley row and mint crops. 2004.
J. Selker, Ward, A., Niemet, M., Weisbrod, N., and Cooper, C., Field observations of transport of high concentration solutions in unsaturated sedimentary materials, Eos Transactions AGU, vol. 81, 2000.
P. Chakrabarti, Rana, S., Bandopadhyay, S., Naik, D. G., Sarkar, S., and Basu, P., Field populations of native Indian honey bees from pesticide intensive agricultural landscape show signs of impaired olfaction, Scientific Reports, vol. 51489968253363364852491693319341420681692253252468718177373182722418265259208212923227346793027548977873416, no. 1, 2015.
P. Chakrabarti, Sarkar, S., and Basu, P., Field Populations of Wild Apis cerana Honey Bees Exhibit Increased Genetic Diversity Under Pesticide Stress Along an Agricultural Intensification Gradient in Eastern India, Journal of Insect Science, vol. 18, no. 3Pt 1, 2018.
J. K. Smesrud and Selker, J., Field sampling considerations for the stem nitrate test in peppermint, Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis, vol. 29, pp. 3073–3091, 1998.
E. Bou-Zeid, Higgins, C. W., Huwald, H., Meneveau, C., and Parlange, M. B., Field study of the dynamics and modelling of subgrid-scale turbulence in a stable atmospheric surface layer over a glacier, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 665, pp. 480–515, 2010.
K. K. Donegan, A field study with genetically engineered alfalfa inoculated with recombinant Sinorhizobium meliloti: effects on the soil ecosystem, Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 36, no. 6, p. 920, 1999.
A. M. Donoghue, Kirby, J. D., Froman, D. P., Lerner, S. P., Crouch, A. N., King, L. M., Donoghue, D. J., and Sonstegard, T. S., Field testing the influence of sperm competition based on sperm mobility in breeder turkey toms, British Poultry Science, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 498 - 504, 2003.
J. A. Henning and Townsend, M. S., Field-Based Estimates of Heritability and Genetic Correlations in Hop, Crop Science, vol. 45, no. 4, p. 1469, 2005.
C. E. Finn, Strik, B. C., and Wagner, A., Fifteen years and 120 genotypes later what have we learned about trialing blueberry cultivars in the Pacific Northwest?, Acta Hort., vol. 810, pp. 71-77, 2009.
E. Peterson, Larson, E., and Parke, J., Film-forming polymers and surfactants reduce infection and sporulation of Phytophthora ramorum on rhododendron, Plant Disease, 2019.
A. M and H, N., The final determinant of seed germination: The mechanisms of weakening of seed covering tissues, in Ecology, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Seed Germination, The Society for the Study of Species Biology., T. Yoshioka and Seiwa, K., Eds. Tokyo: Bun-ichi Sogo Shuppan Co, 2009, pp. 251-258.
M. Louhaichi, Yigezu, Y. A., Werner, J., Dashtseren, L., El-Shater, T., and Ahmed, M., Financial incentives: Possible options for sustainable rangeland management?, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 180, pp. 493 - 503, 2016.
A. R. Deans, Lewis, S. E., Huala, E., Anzaldo, S. S., Ashburner, M., Balhoff, J. P., Blackburn, D. C., Blake, J. A., J. Burleigh, G., Chanet, B., Cooper, L. D., Courtot, M., Csösz, S., Cui, H., Dahdul, W., Das, S., T. Dececchi, A., Dettai, A., Diogo, R., Druzinsky, R. E., Dumontier, M., Franz, N. M., Friedrich, F., Gkoutos, G. V., Haendel, M., Harmon, L. J., Hayamizu, T. F., He, Y., Hines, H. M., Ibrahim, N., Jackson, L. M., Jaiswal, P., James-Zorn, C., Köhler, S., Lecointre, G., Lapp, H., Lawrence, C. J., Le Novère, N., Lundberg, J. G., Macklin, J., Mast, A. R., Midford, P. E., Mikó, I., Mungall, C. J., Oellrich, A., Osumi-Sutherland, D., Parkinson, H., Ramírez, M. J., Richter, S., Robinson, P. N., Ruttenberg, A., Schulz, K. S., Segerdell, E., Seltmann, K. C., Sharkey, M. J., Smith, A. D., Smith, B., Specht, C. D., R. Squires, B., Thacker, R. W., Thessen, A., Fernandez-Triana, J., Vihinen, M., Vize, P. D., Vogt, L., Wall, C. E., Walls, R. L., Westerfeld, M., Wharton, R. A., Wirkner, C. S., Woolley, J. B., Yoder, M. J., Zorn, A. M., and Mabee, P., Finding Our Way through Phenotypes, PLoS Biol, vol. 13, p. e1002033, 2015.
S. I. Rondon, Finding resistance in potato germplasm to the potato tuberworm, Potato Progress, vol. 9, 2009.