Spotted-wing Drosophila (SWD) Monitoring
This short video explains the design of apple cider vinegar SWD monitoring trap and how to install the trap in the field.
Spotted Wing Drosophila Dispersal study video
Video outlines research project to track spotted wing drosophila movement across agricultural landscapes. SWD dispersal between wild Himalayan blackberry borders and field crops is being studied with a liquid egg white isect mark.
SWD strawberry pesticides for OR and WA 2014
SWD caneberry pesticides for OR and WA 2014
SWD blueberry pesticides for OR and WA 2014
Biology and Management of Spotted Wing Drosophila on Small and Stone Fruits Year 3
Summary of SCRI-funded research results from year 3 of the project. It was developed from updated reports and presentations at the 11/2012 SWD Stakeholder Advisory Committee Meeting.
Annual Research Reviews
Year 4: Biology and Management of Spotted Wing Drosophila on Small and Stone Fruits 2014.
A summary of SCRI-funded research results from year 4 of the project. It was developed from scientist presentations at the annual SWD Stakeholder Advisory Committee Meeting.
Objective 1: Evaluate genetic, biological and ecological parameters of SWD.
Comparing late instar larvae of western cherry fruit fly and spotted wing drosophila
Recognize fruit damage from spotted wing drosophila