


Journal Article

Langellotto, Gail, Amy Jo Detweiler, and Sherry Sheng. Planning Large Conferences: Tips And Tricks. JOURNAL OF EXTENSION 56 (2018): n. pag. Print. Journal Of Extension.
Langellotto, Gail, and Claudia Groth. Planning Tours As Part Of A Professional Conference: Lessons Learned. JOURNAL OF EXTENSION 56 (2018): n. pag. Print. Journal Of Extension.


Journal Article

Grassi, Alberto et al. Seasonal Reproductive Biology Of Drosophila Suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) In Temperate Climates. Environmental Entomology 47.1 (2017): 166 - 174. Web. Environmental Entomology.
Ioriatti, Claudio et al. Drosophila Suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) Contributes To The Development Of Sour Rot In Grape. Journal of Economic Entomology 11.1 (2017): 283 - 292. Web. Journal Of Economic Entomology.
Biondi, Antonio et al. Innate Olfactory Responses Of Asobara Japonica Toward Fruits Infested By The Invasive Spotted Wing Drosophila. Journal of Insect Behavior 30.5180421 (2017): 495 - 506. Web. Journal Of Insect Behavior.
Choi, Man-Yeon et al. Effect Of Non-Nutritive Sugars To Decrease The Survivorship Of Spotted Wing Drosophila, Drosophila Suzukii. Journal of Insect Physiology 99 (2017): 86 - 94. Web. Journal Of Insect Physiology.


Journal Article

Wiman, Nik G et al. Drosophila Suzukii Population Response To Environment And Management Strategies. Journal of Pest Science 89.3 (2016): 653 - 665. Web. Journal Of Pest Science.
Klick, J. et al. Distribution And Activity Of Drosophila Suzukii In Cultivated Raspberry And Surrounding Vegetation. Journal of Applied Entomology 140.1-2 (2016): 37 - 46. Web. Journal Of Applied Entomology.
Lee, Jana C et al. Characterization And Manipulation Of Fruit Susceptibility To Drosophila Suzukii. Journal of Pest Science 89.3 (2016): 771 - 780. Web. Journal Of Pest Science.
Tochen, Samantha, Vaughn M Walton, and Jana C Lee. Impact Of Floral Feeding On Adult Drosophila Suzukii Survival And Nutrient Status. Journal of Pest Science 89.3 (2016): 793 - 802. Web. Journal Of Pest Science.
Wang, Xin-Geng et al. Population Dynamics And Ecology Of Drosophila Suzukii In Central California. Journal of Pest Science 89.3 (2016): 701 - 712. Web. Journal Of Pest Science.
Tochen, S. et al. Humidity Affects Populations Of Drosophila Suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) In Blueberry. Journal of Applied Entomology 140.1-2 (2016): 47 - 57. Web. Journal Of Applied Entomology.
Daane, Kent M et al. First Exploration Of Parasitoids Of Drosophila Suzukii In South Korea As Potential Classical Biological Agents. Journal of Pest Science 89.31 (2016): 823 - 835. Web. Journal Of Pest Science.


Journal Article

Langellotto, Gail, and W. Miller. Demographics And Perceptions Of Master Gardener Volunteers In Oregon. International Journal of Volunteer Adminitstration 24.2 (2012): n. pag. Print. International Journal Of Volunteer Adminitstration.
Lee, Jana C et al. Evaluation Of Monitoring Traps For Drosophila Suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) In North America. Journal of Economic Entomology 10.4 (2012): 1350 - 1357. Web. Journal Of Economic Entomology.
Matteson, K.C., and Gail Langellotto. Evaluating Community Gardens As Habitat For An Urban Butterfly.. Cities and the Environment (2012): n. pag. Web. Cities And The Environment.


Journal Article

Walsh, Douglas B et al. Drosophila Suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae): Invasive Pest Of Ripening Soft Fruit Expanding Its Geographic Range And Damage Potential. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 2.1 (2011): 1 - 7. Web. Journal Of Integrated Pest Management.
Dreves, Amy, and Gail Langellotto. Protecting Garden Fruits From Spotted Wing Drosophila (Drosophila Suzukii). Extension Publication (2011): n. pag. Print. Extension Publication.
Lee, Jana C et al. In Focus: Spotted Wing Drosophila, Drosophila Suzukii, Across Perspectives. Pest Management Science 67.11 (2011): 1349 - 1351. Web. Pest Management Science.


Book Chapter

Miller, Jeffrey C. Insects And Relatives, Chapter 7: Oregon’s Fish And Wildlife In A Changing Environment,. Oregon Climate Change Research Institute, Oregon Climate Assessment Report. 2010. Print. Oregon Climate Change Research Institute, Oregon Climate Assessment Report.


Journal Article


Journal Article

Brewer, Linda, and Dan M Sullivan. Maturity And Stability Evaluation Of Composted Yard Trimmings. Compost Science & Utilization 11.2 (2003): 96 - 112. Web. Compost Science & Utilization.